Whether for prospective, emerging or executive leaders, we promote maximum impact and achievement at individual and organizational levels. Grounded in a resilience-driven perspective, we enhance "the leader within" through evidence-based, agency-specific approaches to addressing organizational culture, critical problem-solving, self-reflection, visioning, change and transition management, strategic planning and program evaluation.
Where are you NOW relative to where you WANT TO BE? Let us conduct an organizational or program assessment to determine your real needs, design an action-oriented plan for the evolution of your agency and set up a system for monitoring your progress toward truly fulfilling your mission, vision and goals. (OR to help you identify your mission, vision and goals in the first place!)
The Forensic Psychosocial Autopsy (FPA)
"What went wrong?!" Too often agencies and teams repeat the same mistakes because they don't take the time to learn from those bad hires, failed programs. problematic issues or tragic events that drained staff time, required a disproportionate amount of resources and left everyone feeling helpless and deflated. The FPA is a strengths-based "deep dive" analysis process that empowers participants to make meaningful and substantive changes in practices, policies and procedures. The approach of the FPA: "Looking back to look forward."
The supervisory relationship is arguably the most critical of all in the effective delivery of human services. It is also a key vehicle for organizational and systems-level change. Clear clinical thinking and decision-making are of benefit to human service practitioners at all levels - from frontline to managerial staff. We specialize in the developing the skills and talents needed for effective, high-quality supervision, succession planning and personnel development.
Within organizations, teams make the "magic" happen. Let us provide creative ways to enhance and empower your teams, workgroups and committees to not only meet, but to EXCEED their productivity goals.
Got "problem" teams or staff? We can help you apply strengths-based approaches toward navigating through complex issues to improve productivity, morale and overall well-being.
Fostering cultural humility, competence and proficiency are core across the human services spectrum. We help agencies tap into internal workforce diversity as an avenue for capacity building and as a means for enhanced service deliver, collaboration, and positive community impact.
We totally understand adult learners! We thoughtfully design trainings to fit YOUR specific organizational or individual professional development needs - including high-quality clinical supervision toward social work licensure, or post-licensure professional development. Some topics include: Effective Communication, Cultural Humility, Mental Health/Clinical practice Skills, Differential Diagnosis, Assessment and Intervention, Human Service Leadership, Ethics, and Trauma-Informed Therapies.
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